When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you celebrate the reflection looking back at you? Or do you spend time picking that image apart? God made us in His image for a reason, but a lot of us don’t love what we see. Why is that? In Mark 12:31, Jesus talked about the second greatest commandment: You should love your neighbor as yourself. There’s an important message hereREAD MORE
The road to self grace is not an easy one. I’m learning ways to forgive myself daily and turn my inner critic into my inner cheerleader. Recently, I’ve realized just how important taking a break is for my own overall health. In our pursuit of the lives we want, we often forgo “the breaks” in our planning process. We want “this” now, we want “that” then and it all depends on doingREAD MORE
I recently read the article, “Here’s How To Have A Happy Relationship, According To Science (INFOGRAPHIC)” at The Huffington Post, and found some very interesting data on the Science behind a Happy Relationship (by Happify). The ones that stuck out to me were: Cultivating Daily Positive Interactions (such as giving compliments) Having a fighting style that defuses tension (showing humor vs showing contempt) Thinking Positive (about one’s own marriage) It’s so easyREAD MORE
Today marks the 5th year that I have been married to my wonderful wife Brooke. She has been a true blessing and gift from God. We laugh, we cry, we yell and we have an awesome relationship as we continue to grow as a unit. Growing with another individual isn’t easy but growing with the right individual is the best experience you can ever have. Below are 5 things I’ve learned InREAD MORE
Since January 1 of this year I have placed a note in my gratitude jar as I stated I would in this New Year’s post. It has only been a week thus far and I am already learning much about myself. I have learned just how challenging gratitude is for me outside of being grateful for general family, living, breathing and having a roof over my head. Being really purposeful about beingREAD MORE