Now that 2016 is upon us it is time to start working on our goals for the year. Our first goal should be connecting with God. As I began to think about how I could connect with God, it came to me that something may be blocking that connection. The body is a holy temple where The Creator resides. We often make our temples over crowded with what we are consuming onREAD MORE
How many of us have experienced some sort of healing, no matter how big or small? No matter how big or small your healing is, the first thing you should do is give thanks to God/The Creator. The next thing you must do is share with the world how God has blessed you. How many of us have experienced some sort of healing, no matter how big or small? No matter howREAD MORE
Ever wonder how to raise the level of your family, community or friendship circle? Watch this video as Terrell explains a fool proof way to raise the level of your surrounding community. Raising Your Community's Level Here's one way to raise the level of your community.#EachOneTeachOne Posted by The Opened Box on Monday, December 28, 2015 Are you willing to teach and learn something every single day?
Some say that God has a sense of humor. I believe that. I’m sure He chuckles whenever He sees us trying to make plans for our lives. I know I get a laugh whenever I look back at how I thought my life would turn out. But the older I become, the more I watch my so-called plans fade away in the distance. One thing is for sure, my plan for havingREAD MORE
My former Pastor used to always say that our church was unique. The bible study topics we chose certainly helped us to be unique. What made us unique was not the size of our building or the music coming from our choir. It wasn’t even the message from his sermons. He claimed that we were unique because we loved our guests like no other. Whenever he opened the doors of the churchREAD MORE