What the hell happened to The Opened Box? Yeah, it’s the blunt question I’ve been asking myself and God for about a year now. You see I assumed that although I was a first-time parent with a full-time job, I would be able to continue growing The Opened Box. Instead, after month three of being a parent, sleep deprivation set in and everything planned for The Opened Box came to a screechingREAD MORE
Confession time. I’ve always been a bit jealous of people who practice their faith with confidence, or those who seem to truly enjoy their churches. During adolescence, a few of my friends were active in youth groups at their Methodist and Episcopalian churches. There were movie nights, service trips, and the few times I was lucky enough to tag along, I enjoyed myself. Right on up until we began reading scripture orREAD MORE
Are you patient? Either you are or you are not. There really isn’t a gray area. I have tricked myself into believing that I was sort of patient. A career shift will definitely test your patience. I myself, at the time of this video, have been waiting for and solid contract or job lead. As a contractor, on average it has taken me roughly 6 – 7 months to find another opportunity.READ MORE
In the Bible God we see God interact with Adam and Eve. God shows up to Abraham as 3 men. God speaks to Moses in a fiery bush. God speaks in the wind. Then we see God placed in a box, The Arch of The Covenant. In a box, God is controlled by the Israelites. The box is later tucked away and it is realized God exist outside of the box untilREAD MORE