It just dawned on me that this week in November marks my second year of being totally self employed as an Information Technology consultant. During this time, I miraculously found a total of three contracts to work on. Yes these are miracles from above because it seems like large corporations often do not respect small companies, such as my company, which is run by a single person. Luckily for me, over theREAD MORE
Are you trying to eat a little healthier? Well the Huffington Post produced an article on 14 foods that can aid in the fight against aging. Here is their list below. Tomatoes: The Heart-Helpers Flaxseeds: The Anti-Cancer Add-Ons Blueberries: The Brain-Boosters Broccoli: The Joint Protector Beets: The Detoxifiers Chocolate: For A Happy And Healthy Heart Edamame: The Menopause-Minder Tea: The All-Purpose Anti-Ager Ginger: The Pain Reliever Eggs: The “Healthier Than You Think”READ MORE
Stop what you are doing and listen to this Audio sermon from Craig Groeschel, founder of Life Church. Craig Groeschel speaks about combating the sin of lust. Lust can come in various forms. We can lust after people, assets or money. Our gravitation towards lust can get us in a world of trouble. Below are some ways Craig Groeschel says you can avoid pitfalls: 1. Set up protection for yourself Use parentalREAD MORE
A spiritual rule will enable you to approach your spiritual growth systematically. Because the rule is outlined and specific you will be able to measure and chart my growth. You will also be able to pinpoint areas that need improvement as well as spiritual areas where you excel. The spiritual disciplines I have studied and will discuss are as follows: Lectio Divina, The Jesus Prayer, Fasting, Prayer Walking, Centering Prayer, Spiritual Friendship,READ MORE
Why exactly do we sin? I once heard a pastor say we were born sinners and that although we come out as cute little babies, at the time of our birth we were cute little sinners. This is a pretty harsh assessment of our birth but if this is the case there must be something we could to avoid the habit of sinning. Recently I have been doing some self examination. IREAD MORE