A Sermon on Lust by Craig Groeschel [inspiration/blog]

A Sermon on Lust by Craig Groeschel [inspiration/blog]

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Stop what you are doing and listen to this Audio sermon from Craig Groeschel, founder of Life Church.

Craig Groeschel speaks about combating the sin of lust. Lust can come in various forms. We can lust after people, assets or money. Our gravitation towards lust can get us in a world of trouble. Below are some ways Craig Groeschel says you can avoid pitfalls:

1. Set up protection for yourself

  • Use parental controls to block t.v. shows you may be tempted by
  • Filter your web browser
  • Block some Facebook friends or unfriend people on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Google +
  • Keep distance between yourself and what temps you
  • Train your eyes to look away from what or who you are being tempted by
  • Get rid of certain books

2. Pursue God thoughts instead of thinking “don’t think lustful thoughts”

  • Pursue God wholeheartedly and you fill your thought life with Godly things

What other ways can you avoid lust? Let us know below!