Picture this: You find yourself wanting more out of life. You either want a bigger house, better job, higher education or possibly want to start your own business. But the more you think about this dream, the more you start to worry. So what do you do when faced with this challenge? Downgrade the dream? Settle for where you are? Or face the challenge head on and go for it? If you’reREAD MORE
Do you question your faith in God when you take leaps of faith? Take a look at this video as Terrell shows one of his tattoos and explains what we can learn about faith, as Peter steps outside of the boat to walk on water towards Jesus.
During the month of September The Opened Box will be developing content based on the topic of faith. We thought one of the best ways to start off the month of faith was to give you 5 quotes from one of the greatest faith leaders in modern history, Martin Luther King, Jr. Below are 5 Quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr on Faith. Faith is taking the first step even when youREAD MORE
There is no solace above or below. Only us, small, solitary, striving, battling one another. I pray to myself, for myself. -Francis Underwood, House of Cards I began catching up on the second season of House of Cards recently and was struck by the comment above made by the main character. In the scene, it appeared as if Francis, was seeking some sort of solace, connection or purpose to something greater –READ MORE
As my faith in God goes, I have been through a lot of ups and downs. I have wondered if God really exists. Without a doubt I have experienced some things where no one in the universe can tell me that God does not exist. My faith journey has been a constant roller coaster. As I approached graduation from Wesley Theological Seminary this past May (2014), I knew my career situation wasREAD MORE