In his writing from “Meditations of the Heart”, Howard Thurman reminds us of the importance of quite time, self-reflection and meditation. How good it is to center down! To sit quietly and see one’s self pass by! The streets of our minds seethe with endless traffic; Our spirits resound with clashings, with noisy silences, While something deep within hungers and thirsts for the still moment and the resting lull. With full intensityREAD MORE
I am so sick and tired of “Christian” phrases that we tend to throw around as if they are scripture. Everywhere I turn I’m cornered by the phrase “You have to love the sinner and hate the sin right?” In fact we have been hearing the phrase for so long that we all assume that it is scripture. Facebook posts, Twitter posts, e-mails, blogs everywhere I turn everyone is saying “Love TheREAD MORE
This had to be my most challenging sermon yet mainly because the discussion over the past view days has been about President Obama’s stance on marriage equality. The internet is buzzing on the topic of marriage equality but yet people remain with out jobs, food, or a place to live. We need to get our priorities in order. Even if we can’t agree on marriage equality we as a church need toREAD MORE
Social Media and The Church conducted at Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ on May 8, 2012 by Minister Terrell Harris. Minister Harris explains why the church has no choice but to engage the people where the are at, which is online!
The Internet is buzzing because President Barack Obama has come out in support of marriage equality. Today many Christians are saying that same sex marriage is not Biblical. For those who are claiming to know what a Christian marriage is, have they studied the history of the church and how marriage has evolved over time? Below are some excerpts from “Introduction to Christian Worship” by James White. This book was used inREAD MORE