If I Hear The Phrase “Love the Sinner Hate The Sin” One More Time I Will Puke [Blog]
I am so sick and tired of “Christian” phrases that we tend to throw around as if they are scripture. Everywhere I turn I’m cornered by the phrase “You have to love the sinner and hate the sin right?” In fact we have been hearing the phrase for so long that we all assume that it is scripture. Facebook posts, Twitter posts, e-mails, blogs everywhere I turn everyone is saying “Love The Sinner, Hate the Sin”, it is almost becoming a cult chant.
Love The Sinner Hate The Sin!
Love The Sinner Hate The Sin!
Love The Sinner Hate The Sin!
Love The Sinner Hate The Sin!
Now instead of going off in a rant about how this is not scripture I’ve found a quote Rev. Patrick S. Cheng, Ph.D. who eloquently expresses my sentiments in his Huffington Post Article Entitled “’Love The Sinner, Hate The Sin’ And Other Modern-Day Heresies’.
“First, “love the sinner, hate the sin” is an unbiblical concept. Many people think that this is a divine command, but it actually doesn’t appear anywhere in the Bible. Although God clearly “hates” sin in the Bible (sane in Hebrew and miseo in the Greek), God never demands that we carry out this hatred on God’s behalf. God is perfectly capable of addressing the sins of others without needing our third-party intervention. Those who truly believe in “hating sin” probably should focus more on hating their own sins (i.e., first taking the log out of their own eyes, as Jesus says) instead of hating the sins of others. (See Matt. 7:5 and Luke 6:42.)” – (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rev-patrick-s-cheng-phd/love-the-sinner-hate-the_b_526355.html)
So stop it immediately! Your use of this term must end immediately, especially if you are using it in a theological discussion regarding sexuality! It’s quite a weak theological argument.
Need more proof search BibleStudyTools.com:
(For Those King James Users)
If one must know this phrase may have been derived from a Gandhi quote which reads:
“Hate the sin, love the sinner” in the 1929 autobiography of Mohandas Gandhi.
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Aug, 27, 2012 7:09 AMAmen. lol
Sep, 16, 2015 8:45 AMPastor Terrence, I thank you for posting this. I dislike the phrase as well because first of all, people inherently can’t do it. Their fleshly emotions cannot separate the two in the seat of their emotions, so they end up expressing their disgust toward the person on a personal level in some way, identifying the sin as the identity of the person. I believe that Romans 12:9 is telling us to align ourselves with GOD’s WORD and GOD’s heart. ALL iniquity, especially our own should disgust us because GOD has touched our lives and filled us with HIS Spirit and we now have a heightened understanding of the importance of holiness. Phrases never work. We are all to be accountable to each other and accountable to GOD. We walk transparently in this flesh tent, admitting that the curse of sin is still an issue. We confess daily before the LORD and submit to HIS sanctifying work to continue in us. We love others with the love that comes from the Father’s heart and pray for GOD to transform them and us and keep on with that work just like HE promises to do as we are obedient. Only the transforming work of GOD in our lives will allow us to love the way that CHRIST loves and minister as HE desires. Sometimes I feel like that in that “dying to my flesh” process I need a sledgehammer. LOL. GOD bless you and your lovely wife as you are obedient to your calling in Christ JESUS.
Not-a Hireling
Jan, 19, 2016 9:50 AMI been rebuking that foolishness for 35 + years now – is nice to see someone at least speaking out against it here