In the Bible God we see God interact with Adam and Eve. God shows up to Abraham as 3 men. God speaks to Moses in a fiery bush. God speaks in the wind. Then we see God placed in a box, The Arch of The Covenant. In a box, God is controlled by the Israelites. The box is later tucked away and it is realized God exist outside of the box untilREAD MORE
Who are you? Who do you want to become? Some of us have a clear idea of where we want to go. Some use to believe but have now become stagnant in our growth. Finally, many of us have also stopped believing that we can become anything different. Despite the hurdles we place in front of ourselves, we still can work towards becoming whomever we want to be. Below are 3 stepsREAD MORE
Are we actually growing spiritually? Let that question sink in for a second. Some of us have actually hit a spiritual plateau. Our spiritual practices may be consistent but we are at a fixed point. Think about it. We have reached a fixed point but in as it relates to The Divine there are infinite possibilities. In order to increase our discernment levels and or connection to God, we have to implementREAD MORE
Terrell opens up about why he’s really social media. He talks about everything from why he always challenges spiritual thought & religious systems, why he follows 1000’s of people on social media daily and he issues a challenge to pastors, ministers, and spiritual leaders.