Juan Mcfarland, recently former pastor of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, admitted to his congregation that he contracted HIV in 2003 and later discovered that he had AIDS in 2008. Mcfarland also admitted that he was also having sex with women within the congregation. These members he slept with had no idea he contracted the HIV virus and was living with AIDS. McFarland was relieved of his responsibilities of pastor on October 5,READ MORE
If you haven’t already heard this, let me repeat it:Forgiveness is not for the other person, it’s for you. Forgiveness is for Giving yourself the opportunity to heal and move on. -Brooke Harris Some situations are harder than others and can take longer than others to forgive. That’s okay. It’s not something that always happens with the snap of a finger. Whether you struggle with it or not, here are ten quotesREAD MORE
Steve Harvey did it. Carlos Boozer did it too. Now even Lebron James is trying it. Look at the pictures. Why are men who lose their hair, coloring in their hairlines? Apparently some men are so uncomfortable with losing their hair that they’ll go to any extremes just to have the perfect hairline. Which is fine if it gives them that little bit of extra confidence. But I think colouring in yourREAD MORE
A spanking, some of us have had them, others were lucky enough to avoid them. Spanking has been a disciplinary tactic that has been passed down from generation to generation. Spanking as a disciplinary tactic was recently placed on the forefront. Adrian Peterson, star running back for the Minnesota Vikings lashed his 4 year old son with a switch causing whelps on the child’s leg. You can view the injuries to hisREAD MORE
So many people attend their place of worship weekly without fail. Others have practices that they complete for their own spiritual development. Weaved through all, are traditions and rituals that people take part in as an expression of their faith. Sometimes it’s easy to participate in services and disciplines without really paying attention to how much we…like them. Do we like what we are participating in or just going through the motions?READ MORE