The question came up whether or not women should be permitted to pastor churches. All of us will think different things based on the Biblical text, but are we analyzing the texts we use to argue our points in their historical context? When you use a text to support your argument you must know and understand the time and culture in which the writer authored his beliefs. In this video Terrell discussesREAD MORE
The on term all Christians should know is Christology. This term may be foreign to the new (or current) believer but it will give her/him insight into what Christians believe about Jesus. In the church setting Christology refers to theology behind who Jesus is believed to be. One with a high Christology will believe that Jesus is God in the flesh and that names Jesus and God can be used interchangeably. SomeREAD MORE
1. The Bible is embodied through the believers which gives it life an breath Reading the Bible alone does not make it come to life. Once the Bible is ingested and lived out it comes to life It is incarnational – by living or relating the stories to our lives and learning from them we experience the spirit of God 2. It is communal when told in stories within a group (re-members)READ MORE
This past summer I was enrolled in a preaching class at Wesley Theological Seminary entitled Preaching Practicum. During our class we were asked to preach to situations which included disasters. I landed in the group that whose task was to write a sermon as if 9/11 had just happened. Being from New York City’s Lower East Side this sermon was challenging. I was able to draw on the emotions of returning homeREAD MORE