Want to know what is like in the mind of a slightly experienced preacher? Well here you go an outline of my thoughts going into and through my 5th sermon. The message is received. Nothing divine like a dove dropping out of the sky. I’m simply day dreaming while cleaning and reminded of an old sermon. Do I try to recreate the sermon? Well I remember none of the points only theREAD MORE
Sexuality Continued – To further the discussion we also have to take a look at the role one’s sexual choice plays in ordination. In other words how will being homosexual affect ordination. Table 2 shows that out of a sample set of 7470 polled Mainline Churches (including Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglican) 56% of them say that Homosexuality should be accepted by society. Table 2 Views About Homosexuality Click to enlargeREAD MORE
I think back to a spring day in 2009. My wife and I were sitting at home and the doorbell rings. I peek out the side window and see two individuals, a young teen and gentleman who appeared to be in his forties. They were Jehovah’s Witness. We usually do not bother to open the door because we know that our belief systems don’t match but on this day we felt likeREAD MORE
What does study mean? 2 Timothy 2: 15 in the King James Version states “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The King James Version is a favorite amongst some congregants because it was the version that was exposed to them by parents and grandparents. A newer version like the NRS, which is often accepted by theological scholarsREAD MORE
Terrell gives his forth sermon entitled Jesus Swag.
Rest in your storm, Relax in the presence of your enemies, meet with God in a deserted place, and you do not have to be perfect
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