Brooke and Terrell discuss “How core beliefs can inspire you to exercise”. In the video Brooke explains how her underlying core belief about herself was preventing her from exercising. She explains that once she realized her core belief was directly connected to the way she viewed her health, making the turn towards exercising became a little easier. If you found this video helpful please click all of the social media links toREAD MORE
On Monday, as I was randomly browsing my twitter timeline, I noticed #ShowerRod was trending. What I then found out was that Love and Hip Hop reality star Mimi Faust and partner Nikko Smith released a sex tape that had the internet buzzing. It will probably be on a site like soon enough, so if you haven’t seen it yet, keep your eyes peeled. Apparently, there’s a scene with Mimi andREAD MORE
As I approach graduation and head towards ministry in some shape or form, I eventually will be faced with a tough decision. Do I fully invest into my new found calling, walking away from a profitable career in Information Technology or do I remain bi-vocational and manage two jobs at once? Despite what the reality show Preachers of LA portrays as it relates to Pastor’s making a ton of money, the averageREAD MORE
My friend called me last week in tears. She just saw her ex-boyfriend enjoying dinner with another woman. She said this woman was younger, prettier and more physically fit than she perceived herself to be. At that moment, she started to compare herself to this unknown woman and came to the conclusion that she didn’t measure up. As I listened to her, it amazed me how quickly she put herself down whenREAD MORE
Your pastor may give the best sermons on this side of glory but is she/he an effective leader? When your pastor steps out of the pulpit can you count on them to develop you as a leader or disciple? Unfortunately in today’s society everyone with the title of Pastor cannot always be trusted with the role of developing leaders. The scary thing is unless you decide to become involved in some aspectREAD MORE