What the hell happened to The Opened Box? Yeah, it’s the blunt question I’ve been asking myself and God for about a year now. You see I assumed that although I was a first-time parent with a full-time job, I would be able to continue growing The Opened Box. Instead, after month three of being a parent, sleep deprivation set in and everything planned for The Opened Box came to a screechingREAD MORE
During a recent conversation with my 14-year old son, the topic of Black History month came up. The more we discussed it, the more he just shrugged with disinterest. Finally he asked, ‘Why should I care that it’s Black History Month? Just because I’m black? So what?” I tried not to look at him crazy, but he did have a point. Why should he care? Now, don’t get me wrong, in theREAD MORE
Confession time. I’ve always been a bit jealous of people who practice their faith with confidence, or those who seem to truly enjoy their churches. During adolescence, a few of my friends were active in youth groups at their Methodist and Episcopalian churches. There were movie nights, service trips, and the few times I was lucky enough to tag along, I enjoyed myself. Right on up until we began reading scripture orREAD MORE
What does it mean to understand the Bible from a social justice perspective? Generosity is a theme that many grasp from Jesus’ teachings and other parts of scripture. However, his message is still understood as spiritual, otherworldly, and detached from everyday life. Given the times we live in, it’s important to get to the root of the teachings Christians hold dear. Following are some suggestions to help understand the Bible in waysREAD MORE