Over the weekend, Terrell and I went on a Segway tour in DC. I have to admit, he talked about going for a couple of years now and I was not that interested. However, he wanted to go and I like to try new things, so I surprised him with it for his birthday and we finally got around to going. I was not overly excited about it initially because…well I haveREAD MORE
Self-care is a great necessity. It’s not just for people in ministry, mental health, and health care fields. It’s for everyone. Whether you work in the corporate world or are a homemaker, self-care is imperative to your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Self-care is often thought of as selfish, but it’s a way for us to truly care for our whole being. It allows us to relax, have fun, and do whatREAD MORE
If you’re anything like me, you get headaches once in a while. Some of you may get them more. When that happens, sometimes from being hungry or stressed, I would go to my trusted Advil and pop it to take the pain away. In recent years, I’ve begun to realize that sometimes my headache is from dehydration, so I now my first go to is WATER. Headaches occur for various reasons. TheyREAD MORE
Last night, on the Bravo show, Blood, Sweat & Heels, I witnessed a very interesting interaction among several of the women toward one of their cast mates that prompted me to self-reflect. Let me give you a little context (bare with me!). Mica’s father has been terminally ill, and recently died (unbeknownst to a couple of her cast mates). She has not had a close relationship with her father, but like mostREAD MORE
I recently read the article, “Here’s How To Have A Happy Relationship, According To Science (INFOGRAPHIC)” at The Huffington Post, and found some very interesting data on the Science behind a Happy Relationship (by Happify). The ones that stuck out to me were: Cultivating Daily Positive Interactions (such as giving compliments) Having a fighting style that defuses tension (showing humor vs showing contempt) Thinking Positive (about one’s own marriage) It’s so easyREAD MORE