Your current job may not be your calling. It may just be the financial means to support you before your calling takes off. According to Marie Forleo, “a bridge job – is it something you need if your business isn’t making enough money yet? In this video you’ll learn six reasons a bridge job can be great for your business – and how that side job can help keep your finances onREAD MORE
David and Goliath is a classic underdog tale: David, a young shepherd armed only with a sling, beats Goliath, the mighty warrior. The story has transcended its biblical origins to become a common shorthand for unlikely victory. But, asks Malcolm Gladwell, is that really what the David and Goliath story is about? Gladwell suggests the giant isn’t as tough as we think. This is a must watch video.
Tonight there will probably be a ton of people tuning in to see Oxygen’s new reality show Preachers of LA. The cast includes: Pastor Wayne Chaney – Senior pastor of Antioch Church of Long Beach Bishop Ron Gibson – Pastor of Life Church Of God In Christ in Riverside Deitrick Haddon – Minister and contemporary gospel artist Jay Haizlip – Senior pastor of The Sanctuary in Orange County Bishop Noel Jones –READ MORE
The question came up whether or not women should be permitted to pastor churches. All of us will think different things based on the Biblical text, but are we analyzing the texts we use to argue our points in their historical context? When you use a text to support your argument you must know and understand the time and culture in which the writer authored his beliefs. In this video Terrell discussesREAD MORE
This week Terrell discusses repentance as seen in Luke 15. Terrell compares the English definition to the Greek definition. Watch the video to see what he discovers. What do you think? Comment below. Also please share using the social media links!