All of us go through periods of our lives where we feel stuck and/or confused. We pray and still we find ourselves feeling the same way. So what should we do? Below are 3 things you can do when you are feeling stuck and confused. 1. Surround yourself with individuals who are positive and can speak life into your situation. The worst thing you can do is go to someone who hasREAD MORE
Why do hardcore religious people think that prayer fixes everything? This question is taken directly from Twitter. For those of us who are really into our faith, we never think about this. It is second nature. We pray and God answers. When we turn to Matthew 7:7 or John 14:13, Jesus basically tells us that God hears and will answer our prayers. We assume this includes “fixing things”. Let’s tuck the scriptureREAD MORE
Caring For My Body Mind, body, soul. Caring for each is a major aspect of The Opened Box. Are you caring for all three equally? This is a question I had to ask myself. My honest answer is no. I always slacking in the body arena. Although I've played basketball, trained and completed 2 half marathons and 3 full marathons, it's rare that I've continued to work out consistently. Heck at myREAD MORE
How should God Handle Your Enemies QUESTION OF THE DAY: Would you rather your enemies be a footstool or would you rather be able to sit in their presence?Psalm 110:1 states: "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.”Psalm 23:5 states: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;"We often want God to handle our enemies, but wouldn't it be better to be ableREAD MORE
A Message for Those Experiencing Church Hurt Church hurt. A lot of us have been through it or are going through it. I came across an article on my timeline where an individual had been hurt by individuals in the church. She was called a Jezebel for having tattoos along with other things.It's truly unfortunate that this has always been common in the church. There's no excuse for the individuals who causeREAD MORE