Tina Campbell Forgave Her Spouse For Cheating, Would You? [video/blog]
During this season of the reality television show Mary Mary, Tina Campbell revealed that her spouse Teddy cheated on her with multiple women over the course of a few years. Amazingly Tina decided to allow the cameras into her pain and struggles with her husband. As the season unfolded, Tina decided to forgive Teddy and work on their relationship to save their marriage. Brooke and Terrell discuss what they would do if the other was found out to be a cheater.
What would you do if your spouse/significant other was a cheater? Share your comments below!
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May, 09, 2014 5:38 PMIf it’s TRUE LOVE, all will be forgiven!
Brooke Harris
Jun, 18, 2014 10:35 PMI like that sentiment 🙂
May, 10, 2014 9:30 AMEither you forgive and leave it behind or you don”t. It is that simple. All of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Every man and woman has to come to this decision on his or her own. Playing this out publicly is not good. This situation should have been between the husband and wife and pastoral counseling. Any decisions made should have been between the two of them. Is Tina hurt, of course. But, either she forgives him or not. She will live and she can live. Life goes on. Tina needs inner healing and that comes from throwing yourself on the alter and telling God everything, then asking him to heal you and take away the hurt, anger, and unforgiveness which can separate you from God ( Romans 8 chapter).
Brooke Harris
Jun, 18, 2014 10:33 PMI hear you Toye. But playing it out on tv was her form of healing, and I can only imagine that it might have helped someone else in their journey (I believe in an interview, Tina mentioned that was her intention). So hopefully much good came from it. I recently read an article that stated Tina and Teddy are more in love than ever 🙂 Thanks for watching!