4 Reasons to Spend Uninterrupted Time With God
Are you spending uninterrupted time with God? This year I’m dedicated to spending time in silent, uninterrupted meditation. But to day I was disturbed by an email notification! My first thought was to be annoyed with the person that was sending me an email so early in the morning. But then I thought, I need to set up guards for this sacred time.
Here are a few reasons to spend to uninterrupted time with The Creator or give God your undivided attention:
1. Any relationship you are developing requires undivided attention
2. Undivided attention allows you to learn more about God
3. You will hear God more clearly
4. You’ll receive peace
How are you spending time with God?
Are you spending uninterrupted time with God? This year I'm dedicated to spending time in silent, uninterrupted…
Posted by The Opened Box on Thursday, January 21, 2016