My Ash Wednesday Bomb [Video/Blog]
Just when you think you have everything all together, BAM you are thrown a curve ball that catches you totally of guard. I’m not sure what number sermon this is but lately I have been getting more comfortable with the idea of preaching. Although my comfort level may have increased, I totally bombed this Ash Wednesday Sermon. Some may think I’m being super critical but something was just off.
I followed my routine writing the sermon and then doing a mind map which I have done for at least the last 3 – 4 sermons I’ve preached. As I think back the only thing I didn’t do was pre-record my vocals. Normally I do this and listen to myself over and over prior to actually giving the sermon. Because of busyness of school I simply did not have time to do it. Maybe this was the key element missing.
Going in I got the normal jitters but I knew everything I was going to say and how I was going to deliver it. When it came time to speak it my words escaped me and my outline did not make any sense. Now I have to preach again in about a month so I’m not going to beat myself up too bad. One thing is for sure though, I will have to go back to the drawing board and make some adjustments. I knew how much I cared as I rode home and felt like I was Patrick Ewing missing a layup to advance the Knicks in the playoffs against the Pacers in 1995. Guess it’s back to the drawing board. Practice makes perfect.