Contrary to what men think, women are not the most complex creatures on the planet. But some husbands feel like they need a “how-to” book to figure out their wives. Unfortunately, no marriage manual covers every situation, but here are some tips that may help you out: The little things mean more than the big things Don’t get me wrong, women appreciate the date nights, flowers at work and designer bags forREAD MORE
For many of us, we need a vacation. No matter how big or short, no matter where it may be, you could be going to enjoy a calming Fiji vacation or somewhere in your home town, all in all, we need some time to rest and relax. Vacations give us the time to slow down, recuperate mentally and physically, and just have some plain ol’ fun. No matter how your funds look,READ MORE
College may seem like the perfect place to find love, but here are 6 things you should know as a college student about romantic relationships. You will likely not marry your college sweetheart Although you may be looking for something magical to happen, like in the movies, chances are you will not marry your college sweetheart. There is also a chance that your relationship may not last the duration of your collegeREAD MORE
Are you married, engaged or considering marriage? Perhaps you’ve just bought a stunning wedding gown from somewhere like If so, have you left home or are you truly ready to leave home? Some of us are fine with leaving home in a physical sense but some of us never leave home mentally. In order to have a successful life as a married couple, the 1 thing you cannot forget to doREAD MORE
Let’s be real, bringing two lives together under one roof, for one common cause is hard work. Often times we plan tirelessly as it relates to the actual wedding ceremony. Although the ceremony may be a wonderful time of celebration, we often overlook preparing for the life journey we have with our mate. Below are 5 things you should do before you get married. Discuss the management of finances Money issues areREAD MORE