During a recent conversation with my 14-year old son, the topic of Black History month came up. The more we discussed it, the more he just shrugged with disinterest. Finally he asked, ‘Why should I care that it’s Black History Month? Just because I’m black? So what?” I tried not to look at him crazy, but he did have a point. Why should he care? Now, don’t get me wrong, in theREAD MORE
Some say that God has a sense of humor. I believe that. I’m sure He chuckles whenever He sees us trying to make plans for our lives. I know I get a laugh whenever I look back at how I thought my life would turn out. But the older I become, the more I watch my so-called plans fade away in the distance. One thing is for sure, my plan for havingREAD MORE
My former Pastor used to always say that our church was unique. The bible study topics we chose certainly helped us to be unique. What made us unique was not the size of our building or the music coming from our choir. It wasn’t even the message from his sermons. He claimed that we were unique because we loved our guests like no other. Whenever he opened the doors of the churchREAD MORE
“How is someone’s life better when they cross your path?” This is a question that Valorie Burton, personal and executive life coach asked me when we talked about purpose. How do I make someone else’s life better? What a great question. All of us wonder why we are here. God equipped us with unique gifts, talents and experiences. But it is up to us to find out what we’re supposed do toREAD MORE
Last night, I laughed so hard that my sides ached. Seriously, I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much. I was catching up with an old friend who I hadn’t talked to in a while. We talked about families, jobs, old boyfriends, memories and inside jokes. We connected and shared pieces of each others lives. It really felt good and made me wonder why I let so much time goREAD MORE