Gen 4 -12 An introduction to Cain and Abel From BI-101-A Introduction to Hebrew Bible In Genesis 4 – 12 we see issues of trust and choices made in context of human relationships, increasing human strife and deterioration of human family. Alongside this picture, we also see God’s continuing passionate relationship with us God keeps asking the characters “Where are you” Genesis 4: murder, sibling rivalry, deceit The brother problem continues throughoutREAD MORE
<a href=""><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-722" title="shug" src="" alt="" width="256" height="165" /></a>Brooke discusses hospitality in our lives through an example from a scene in the movie, The Color Purple.
Try praying with a loved one after a dispute or argument (and maybe even before one starts). We tend to call on God or invite God in when things have come and past, but often times we can include God in the heat of the moment. Maybe the earlier we invite the spirit in the less damage will do to ourselves, our love ones and our relationships.
<span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Terrell speaks on some of the challenges and emotions he has been experiencing as someone new to leadership in ministry while also being in seminary</strong></span>
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Ok it’s time to be transparent here. I’m posting religious and spiritual items hoping to be inspirational to someone. But I can’t put a front on like everything is all hunky dory on my side of town. I’m learning about the Bible more and more but can it really help you when it is time to put your faith in action? You see I prayed for a flexible job that would provideREAD MORE