As I approach graduation and head towards ministry in some shape or form, I eventually will be faced with a tough decision. Do I fully invest into my new found calling, walking away from a profitable career in Information Technology or do I remain bi-vocational and manage two jobs at once? Despite what the reality show Preachers of LA portrays as it relates to Pastor’s making a ton of money, the averageREAD MORE
Your pastor may give the best sermons on this side of glory but is she/he an effective leader? When your pastor steps out of the pulpit can you count on them to develop you as a leader or disciple? Unfortunately in today’s society everyone with the title of Pastor cannot always be trusted with the role of developing leaders. The scary thing is unless you decide to become involved in some aspectREAD MORE
Khaleaph Luis shows us how to make homemade almond milk with just a few simple ingredients. To complete the recipe you’ll need: 1 Blender – such as a Vitamix 1 Cheese Cloth 1 Bowl 1 Container 1 Cup of Almonds – Soaked over night 3 Cups of Water Dates & Vanilla extract to taste
In ABC’s Scandal, we have witnessed Vice President Sally Langston murder her husband as a result of his infidelity and his sexuality. Sally wears her evangelical Christian values on her sleeve and has been carrying the heavy weight of conviction. During this season she has revealed that she is no longer hearing God’s voice. In an effort to hear God’s voice she is determined to confess her sins publicly, during a debate.READ MORE
During this season of Mary Mary, Tina Campbell has revealed that her husband Teddy was unfaithful to her. Despite facing the challenge of a potentially broken relationship, Tina decided to let all of play out in front of the cameras for her healing . Throughout the season we will have a chance to see what forgiveness looks like first hand. That’s right, Tina has decided to forgiveREAD MORE