After deciding to meditate twice a day for a total of 40 minutes for the 40 day period of Lent, Terrell discusses what he learned from his experience. Take a look at the video. Have you participated in meditation? If so share your experience below!
Wow is all I can say! In an audio file obtained by TMZ, Clippers owner Donald Sterling explains to his mixed (African American & Mexican) girl friend why she should not associate with Black People. According to Sterling it is not good for her to associate with Black People publicly or take pictures with them on Intagram. Sterling also explains to his girl friend that if she wants to love them sheREAD MORE
So who is the head of your household? Is the man/husband the head of your house because the Bible says so? Take a look at this video as Brooke and Terrell discuss their perspective on Ephesians 5 and who the head of the house really should be. You may be surprised on their perspective. If you found this video helpful please click all of the social media links to spread the message!READ MORE
Brooke and Terrell discuss “How core beliefs can inspire you to exercise”. In the video Brooke explains how her underlying core belief about herself was preventing her from exercising. She explains that once she realized her core belief was directly connected to the way she viewed her health, making the turn towards exercising became a little easier. If you found this video helpful please click all of the social media links toREAD MORE
On Monday, as I was randomly browsing my twitter timeline, I noticed #ShowerRod was trending. What I then found out was that Love and Hip Hop reality star Mimi Faust and partner Nikko Smith released a sex tape that had the internet buzzing. It will probably be on a site like soon enough, so if you haven’t seen it yet, keep your eyes peeled. Apparently, there’s a scene with Mimi andREAD MORE