Brooke briefly details how her calling has unfolded and what has helped her to realize what she should do with her life. What is your call story? Is it still unfolding? Share your story below.
Have you been struggling to find your purpose or your calling? Have you been at a job that does not give you any fulfillment? Are you looking for direction? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, take a look at our infographic which will provide you with 9 Things to Help You Find Your Calling:
Calling and purpose is something we all wrestle with. If we are lucky we will find our purpose at an early age and remain on a consistent path that is aligned with our calling. For others, we may spend a lifetime trying to figure out why we were placed here on earth. I thought I was placed here simply to have a job as an Information Technology government contractor. After 14 yearsREAD MORE
When is the last time that you’ve taken a relaxing vacation? I’m not talking about taking a few days off from work and lounging around the house catching up on sleep. I’m talking leaving your current environment going somewhere remote and totally unplugging. When is the last time you’ve done that? For the first time in my life I took a REAL vacation. Watch the video as I explain what I learnedREAD MORE