What’s the big deal about Joel Osteen? Well, Joel Osteen is one of the most well-known Christian preachers in the world. His sermons are televised across the globe and it is said that his weekly reach spans 7 million viewers. Joel is the pastor of the nondenominational, Lakewood Church in Houston Texas. Lakewood is also the largest church in the United States. With millions of eyes tuning in to watch Joel eachREAD MORE
For those who enter into a calling and career as a pastor there is often a magnificent story associated with how they came to accept their mission from God. Some hear the voice of God and some may even have a burning bush experience like Moses. For me, this was not the case. Upon entering my first semester at Wesley Theological Seminary, I was not called to be a pastor, or betterREAD MORE
With the holiday of Easter coming up, I began to reflect on what usually goes on in church. The preacher will often paint a vivid picture of Jesus Christ being crucified for our sins. The sermons will often end with Christ being risen from the dead as his body is not found in the tomb where he was laid to rest. Some Christians view this story literally, but how can viewing theREAD MORE
According to the CDC, the leading cause of death for African Americans is heart disease. African American’s account for roughly 24% of deaths associated with heart disease while only making up roughly 15% of the US population You can visit the CDC to see the Top Ten Causes of Death For African Americans Although some heart disease is hereditary, heart disease can often be prevented. Watch this short video to find outREAD MORE
We hear about cyber bullying but some of us may not understand how it can affect ones psyche or self esteem. To some it may just seem like a few jokes but it is actually deeper than that. The impact can leave mental wounds on the victim that we’ll never know about. It can also lead to something worse. Cyber bulling has led to suicide and even violent retaliation on thoseREAD MORE