Brooke and Terrell discuss their experience praying together every day as a couple. Watch the video as they discuss the benefits and challenges of praying together out loud.
Everyone has been on edge regarding the mysterious death of Freddie Gray. Gray is a young African American male who died while in police custody after suffering three fractured vertebrae and a crushed voice box. It is unclear and hasn’t been revealed to the public how his injuries were caused. On April 27th teens took to the streets to express their frustration after being released from school. Some of their demonstrating turnedREAD MORE
Recently we announced that we have been called to turn The Opened Box into a physical location. Have you ever wondered how we got to this point? Watch the below video to learn about the history, future and vision for The Opened Box.
How has your church taught you to pray? Do you talk at God instead of listening? Do you listen for the voice of God more than you speak? Watch this video to learn how to correct what the church has taught you about praying.
Usually we attend church for Easter but this year Brooke and I decided to do something drastically different. This year we decided to be the hands and feet of Christ by going out to feed the homeless. For me the church’s traditions of Easter Sunday have become monotonous. There’s usually an early service, followed by a breakfast, followed by another service. Oh and how can I forget, a message about an emptyREAD MORE