Ever wonder how to raise the level of your family, community or friendship circle? Watch this video as Terrell explains a fool proof way to raise the level of your surrounding community. Raising Your Community's Level Here's one way to raise the level of your community.#EachOneTeachOne Posted by The Opened Box on Monday, December 28, 2015 Are you willing to teach and learn something every single day?
2016 is rolling around and a ton of people are setting New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately when we get to the end of the year, we may notice that we weren’t able to complete our goals. Don’t sweat it. Watch this video as Terrell shares fool proof way to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. How to achieve your goals 2016 is rolling around and a ton of people are settingREAD MORE
Who exactly are we choosing to follow? If we are not careful the “leaders” that we choose to follow may lead us right of the end of a cliff. Watch TT25 as we discuss how to recognize a leader based on the characteristics of Jesus Christ. Discussion Outline: Mark 1 17 And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” Luke 4 18 “The SpiritREAD MORE
Is the concept of turning the other cheek something that we are willing to embrace? We see nonviolent resistance work but are we willing to implement the same behaviors in our own lives. Watch TT24 as we discuss how and if it is possible to move toward a turning the other cheek mentality. Luke 6 29 If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takesREAD MORE
Do you actually spend time imagining that your prayers will be answered? When we use our imagination it has the power to make our faith is stronger. When we pray and don’t visualize our prayers being answered often times it makes the prayer seem more harder for God to answer. So remember to always imagine your prayer actually coming to fruition. Do you actually spend time imagining that your prayers will beREAD MORE