How to get back in the worship mood after you’ve had a bad experience [video/blog]
After a bad church experience, it may be hard to get back in the groove of things but Brooke and Terrell offer some insight on what you can do in order to rekindle your relationship with God.
Ever had a bad experience at church? If so did it affect your personal worship experience? How did you get back into the groove of things?
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Dec, 07, 2013 10:26 AMGood Stuff!
Mary Burrell
Aug, 30, 2014 8:03 PMThis is where i am but i always acknowledge God even though i am not attending church i try to make an effort to read my bible and i am always continually in prayer. But i want to find a house of worship where i will grow spiritually.
Mary Burrell
Aug, 30, 2014 8:04 PMThis is a great video and post