How are we showing our love for God?
How Are We Showing Our Love For God
How are we showing our love for God?We show our love for God in different ways. We worship and show our love for God when make it to church, temple or the synagogue. But how are we treating the creations of God? In my reading today the statement that stood out the most was, we show our love for God by the way we care for our brother and sister. Ok I have to admit loving our neighbors can be a challenging concept at times but let's think, we love a divine being that we have never seen or touched. Shouldn't it be easier to love tangible beings. I get it though, it's riskier to love humans because we can reject each other, people can be mean, rude or even worse violent. Let's not leave out animals or nature. How do we show our love for these other divine creations? When we look upon all creation do we see and experience God? God exist in all of creation. In order for true peace to manifest we have to begin taking risks to love everything around us. If we all did this true peace, love, equality and justice will begin to manifest.
Posted by The Opened Box on Thursday, February 4, 2016
We show our love for God in different ways. We worship and show our love for God when make it to church, temple or the synagogue. But how are we treating the creations of God?
In my reading today the statement that stood out the most was, we show our love for God by the way we care for our brother and sister. Ok I have to admit loving our neighbors can be a challenging concept at times but let’s think, we love a divine being that we have never seen or touched. Shouldn’t it be easier to love tangible beings. I get it though, it’s riskier to love humans because we can reject each other, people can be mean, rude or even worse violent.
Let’s not leave out animals or nature. How do we show our love for these other divine creations? When we look upon all creation do we see and experience God?
God exist in all of creation. In order for true peace to manifest we have to begin taking risks to love everything around us. If we all did this true peace, love, equality and justice will begin to manifest.