Gen. 6-9 The Flood
Gen. 6-9 The Flood –
Flood stories are not unique to Biblical Text
- Atrahasis and Gilgamesh myths have similar characteristics
- Epic parallels
- *etiology – rainbow
- *commissions of Gen.1
- Epic parallels
- Atrahasis myth – Atrahasis builds an arch to escape over population because the God’s were becoming too noisy
- Gilgamesh – copies were found over the Ancient Near East. Gilgamesh was half god and half human. In the story Bilgames builds an arch just as Noah did.
- The flood shows the effect of disobedience of everyone throughout the earth.
- Turning back to Genesis we see God has regrets about what was created
- Gen 6: 6 And the Lord was sorry that he had made humankind on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.
- This is an example of counter testimony. Here we see God changing God’s mind out of experience
- There are at least 300 stories of a universal Flooding
- There are no rivers that would have been able to flood Ancient Israel
- Palestine always had a dry clement
- All of this suggest that the flood story was taken from other sources
- We notice that Noah did not argue for the salvation of humanity
- Society will be renewed by Noah and his sons in Gen 9:1-2, 6b
- Although this is a story of tragedy because God rids the earth of everyone besides of Noah we still see a covenant that God is keeping which is symbolized by the rainbow.