Does your purpose wake you up in the morning? Some of us have not found our purpose or struggling to find it. Here are 5 steps to finding your purpose: 1. Pray always 2. Understand your personality trait (search Myers Briggs) 3. Discover your passion (what makes you tick, what makes you angry) 4. Ask people who know you, what they see you doing 5. Put yourself around people who are livingREAD MORE
Today’s quote is “A discipline mind will not accomplish anything.” Often we think being disciplined starts and ends with our actions. Being or becoming discipline actually starts in our minds. There are 2 things we have to be aware of if we are to become more discipline. First, what is your self worth? Are you telling yourself that you are no good or not worthy? Two, what are you telling yourself aboutREAD MORE
How are you developing new relationships or strengthening existing relationships? Sometimes when we are seeking out connect we are often drawn to people who may benefit us in some way. We look to develop relationships based on what we can get. If you really want to develop relationships try something different. Seek to give in a relationship before seeking to receive. Provide value up front. When we do this people will beREAD MORE
Do you have a daily routine and if so are you sticking to it? There is a process to everything we want to accomplish. Our goals are achieved one small step at a time. When we don’t stick to a ritual, process or routine it may delay us from where God wants us to be. Daily Routines Do you have a daily routine and if so are you sticking to it? ThereREAD MORE
Fear. At times we all experience it. Sometimes we are able to push through it. Sometimes we allow fear to paralyze us. My prayer is that we first recognize God is with us. Next I pray that we don’t allow fear to paralyze us from moving in the direction where we are meant to be. A Prayer Addressing Fear Fear. At times we all experience it. Sometimes we are able to pushREAD MORE