<span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Terrell speaks on some of the challenges and emotions he has been experiencing as someone new to leadership in ministry while also being in seminary</strong></span>
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Ok it’s time to be transparent here. I’m posting religious and spiritual items hoping to be inspirational to someone. But I can’t put a front on like everything is all hunky dory on my side of town. I’m learning about the Bible more and more but can it really help you when it is time to put your faith in action? You see I prayed for a flexible job that would provideREAD MORE
The Second Creation Story Part 1 Gen. 2-3 account presupposes creation of the world in Genesis 1 which is only referred to in the introductory clause of Gen. 2:4b. In viewing Gen. 1 you see the text already covered how everything originated. In Gen. 2-3, creation of the world is just the background for what is really important: The creation of man and woman. Humankind is created to promote the earth’s wellREAD MORE
Dear Church People, I apologize for the craziness you have to witness when you really become involved in the day to day life and activities of the church. You know the stuff I’m talking about don’t you? It includes things such as jealousy, gossiping, fighting over positions and just the plain old ugliness that you wouldn’t expect in a church setting. We should have warned you. Stand firm and do not letREAD MORE