Want to know what is like in the mind of a slightly experienced preacher? Well here you go an outline of my thoughts going into and through my 5th sermon. The message is received. Nothing divine like a dove dropping out of the sky. I’m simply day dreaming while cleaning and reminded of an old sermon. Do I try to recreate the sermon? Well I remember none of the points only theREAD MORE
Here is the first sermon ever done by Terrell Harris. He was asked to give a message for the 2011 Ash Wednesday Service at Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ, where he and his wife Brooke Harris are ministerial advisers to the young adults
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/21142174?byline=0&portrait=0" width="325" height="244" frameborder="0"></iframe><br><br>
Gen 11 Babel the Fortified City The story is about punishment The term “Tower of Babel” is in English translation and not in the Hebrew In Gen 10:5 the text states that the earth already had multiple languages 5 From these the coastland peoples spread. These are the descendants of Japheth in their lands, with their own language, by their families, in their nations. The text states no negative judgment of differentREAD MORE
One year of seminary down, a few more to go Terrell. Watch the videos of him sharing his experiences in the year of 2101 as he grows in ministry. Part 1 Terrell Speaks On 2010 pt 1 from t harris on Vimeo. Part 2 Terrell Speaks on 2010 part 2 from t harris on Vimeo.