3 Steps to Help Activate Your Faith [blog/reflection]

3 Steps to Help Activate Your Faith [blog/reflection]

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What challenges are you facing today? Do they have to deal with work, school, finances, health or relationships? Whatever it is, how are you dealing with it? What direction is your faith? Every day, we have a choice. We can walk around knowing that God is in control or we can expect the worst and worry. If you pick the latter, you may find that you’re applying your faith in the wrong direction.

If this is you, don’t stress. We’ve all done it. When hit with an obstacle, we often tend to dwell on all the bad things that can happen. We become afraid of getting laid off, sick or kicked out of school. We tend to feed our doubts by what we see on the news or read about in social media. But now it is time to choose faith over fear.

Did you know that faith and fear can work the same way? They just open different doors for us. Faith lets God in while fear lets in the enemy. When you find yourself feeling sad, defeated and desperate, chances are that you’re allowing fear to have more power than faith and you’re missing out on God’s joy.

So, are you ready to stop focusing on the negative and use your faith in the right direction? If so, I recently read a message by Joel Osteen, which can help you activate your faith:

Focus on Victories
On those days that you wake up with doubts, find some positive things to think about instead. It is easy to convince ourselves that something isn’t going to work out, but that’s fear and it is trying to dominate you. Just because you’re faced with a challenge, that doesn’t automatically mean that it’ll end badly. God works everything out for our good. So, try focusing on the good things that could happen instead of perceived failures.

Redirect your Energy
It takes effort to keep fueling fear and if enough effort is applied, it can come to pass. Instead, use that same energy to believe that God has this situation under control. Turn that positive energy into your reality.

Fill your Heart with God’s Word
In Joshua 1:9, the Bible states: “This is my command — be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” The more you fill your heart and mind with God’s Word, the stronger you will be so you can stand against the powers of darkness. Remember, the power that is in you is greater than the power of fear. When thoughts come that say, “You’re not able,” choose faith by saying, “I can do all things through Christ!”

How do you keep your faith in the right direction? Let us know what tips work for you.