10 Quotes to Inspire you to Forgive [blog/article]
If you haven’t already heard this, let me repeat it:Forgiveness is not for the other person, it’s for you.
Forgiveness is for Giving yourself the opportunity to heal and move on. -Brooke Harris
Some situations are harder than others and can take longer than others to forgive. That’s okay. It’s not something that always happens with the snap of a finger. Whether you struggle with it or not, here are ten quotes on forgiveness that, will hopefully, give you some inspiration if you need to begin that process of forgiveness.
“A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.” – Robert Quillen
“Forgiveness is me giving up my right to hurt you for hurting me.” – Anonymous
“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” – Louis B. Smedes
“To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” – Robert Muller
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32
“If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive.” – Mother Teresa
“Forgiveness: It’s not because they deserve it; it’s because you do. Sometimes forgiveness is about loving yourself enough to move on.” – Steve Maraboli
“People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But “YOU” have to forgive yourself. Let go of what’s bitter and move on.” —Bill Cosby
“Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you.” – Steve Maraboli
Allow these quotes to remind you of the necessity of forgiveness in your life (of self and others). Forgiveness is something none of us can escape, whether we choose to forgive or not.
Are there other ways you find inspiration to forgive? Let us know!