How to Get Closer to God: Spiritual Rule 4 Prayer Walking [blog/spiritual discipline]

How to Get Closer to God: Spiritual Rule 4 Prayer Walking [blog/spiritual discipline]

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A spiritual rule will enable you to approach your spiritual growth systematically. Because the rule is outlined and specific you will be able to measure and chart my growth. You will also be able to pinpoint areas that need improvement as well as spiritual areas where you excel. The spiritual disciplines I have studied and will discuss are as follows: Lectio Divina, The Jesus Prayer, Fasting, Prayer Walking, Centering Prayer, Spiritual Friendship, Examine and Journaling. Below is a brief explanation of the highlighted spiritual discipline.

Prayer Walking

Prayer Walking can be defined as “a way of physically walking with Jesus through places that you are concerned about.”[i] One of our models is Jesus Christ himself. “Jesus was always on the move. As he taught and healed, he moved back and forth across the Sea of Galilee or from one district to another. ‘Then Jesus set his face to got to Jerusalem’ (Luke 9:51), as he prepared to move toward events we now observe during Holy Week.”[ii]

And now, people can even follow in his footsteps. With the help of places like Immanuel-Tours, (, you can organize your own trip to Israel, where Jesus once found himself. Some of the popular places like Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee, and Petra are a handful of highlights and learning about the history, culture, and religions of the country that you find yourself in, one that holds many stories, should be experienced by everyone at some point in their lives.

To perform Prayer Walking:

Prayer walking involves walking at a pace slower than normal. During the walk you can either speak a prayer to God about the areas you are walking through or perform a Centering Prayer (See Spiritual Rule 5).

When walking at a slower pace and focusing on the spirit of God, slow walking will increase our awareness and heighten our ability to notice God.[iii] “As our bodies move slowly through “physical space our hearts and minds open to the vastness of spiritual space. The kingdom of God draws near.”[iv]

[i] Adele Ahlberg Calhoun Spiritual Discipline Handbook (Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2005) 253.

[ii] Daniel Wolbert, Creating a Life With God (Nashville: Upper Room Books, 2003) 129.

[iii] Daniel Wolbert, Creating a Life With God (Nashville: Upper Room Books, 2003) 132.

[iv] Daniel Wolbert, Creating a Life With God (Nashville: Upper Room Books, 2003) 132.